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篇名 以劇本法探討資管系大學生對資訊專業倫理規範的察覺能力
卷期 26
並列篇名 Applying Scenario to Evaluate Undergraduate MIS students’ Awareness of Professional Code of Ethics
作者 黃錦祥
頁次 097-114
關鍵字 資訊倫理軟體工程倫理規範倫理問題察覺劇本法Information EthicsSoftware Engineering Code of EthicsEthical AwarenessScenario Script
出刊日期 201203




Departments of MIS in Taiwan’s universities assumed the major responsibility to nurture talents for developing, applying and maintaining business information systems. In order to avoid the damage of misusing computer related skills, qualified MIS personnel should have knowledge not only in technical and managerial issues, but also in ethical literacy toward the profession of information systems. However, whether MIS undergraduate education programs offered adequate level of ethical training for their students to discover potential ethical concerns within system development processes is still under debate. Based on literature in ethical decision making and ethical codes of information system profession, this study created a scenario script of IS software team developing project practice. The script was crafted with eight ethical dilemmas that might be confronted by software engineers to test the ethical awareness of MIS undergraduate senior students. Results showed that students did not share equal ethical awareness toward each software engineering code of ethics. In specific, subjects showed high level of ethical awareness on products, profession and customers/employers related issues, and they were less able to aware public, judgment, management, colleagues, and self issues. According to these findings, several advices were given to illuminate education practices and further research directions in MIS disciplines.
