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篇名 Analysis of the variation of fishing condition between Hsinshefar and Chiafong set-net fishing grounds in water off east coast of Taiwan (II)~ Analysis on catch and species composition by season ~
卷期 26
並列篇名 台灣東部新協發與佳豐定置漁場漁況變動比較分析(II)~季節別漁獲組成與產量分析~
作者 鄭火元
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 定置網漁業新協發漁場佳豐漁場季節漁況變動漁獲組成Set-net fisheryHsinshefar fishing groundChiafong fishing groundSeasonal fishing conditionSpecies composition
出刊日期 201203


宜蘭縣與花蓮縣沿岸為台灣定置網漁業主要之漁場與生產地,其中以宜蘭縣東澳之新協發定置漁場與花蓮縣崇德之佳豐定置漁場,分別在該縣因經營時間都已超過30年,最具代表性。且其都使用雙落網漁具,經不斷改良,漁獲效率漸趨一致。為繼續探討兩不同地區之漁場,其季節漁況之變動,同樣收集自1996至2003年共8年之每日漁獲資料加以解析。結果得知,新協發定置漁場年平均漁獲量為590噸,較佳豐定置漁場之450噸為高。新協發定置漁場每年有一個漁獲高峰期,在二月至六月;佳豐定置漁場則有兩個漁獲高峰期,分別在十月至十二月及三月至五月。新協發漁場之季節與年別漁獲魚種數(143)皆較佳豐漁場(130)多,而且變異小;各漁場之季節主要漁獲魚種也都不同。各別漁場季節漁獲量間無顯著差異,但比較兩漁場之季節產量則呈現有顯著差異(p< 0.01)。新協發漁場之年度作業天數、產量及CPUE之變異數皆較佳豐漁場小,顯示新協發漁場每年度之漁況較為穩定。


Annual logbook catch data of the Hsinshefar and Chiafong fishing grounds from 1996 to 2003 were analysed to assess spatial variation in species composition by season continuously according to previous report (Jenq 2011). Most of the catch in the two fishing grounds comprised pelagic migratory species. There was about 590 mt in annual average catch at Hsinshefar and 450 mt at Chiafong Company. Seasonal variation on catch was usually one catch peak occurring during February to June at Hsinshefar and two catch peaks in October-December and March- May at Chiafong. More species were caught at Hsinshefar than at Chiafong by season. Although there is seasonal dominant species, it is obviously different in the three fishing seasons at the two companies. Variation on seasonal catch species is smaller at Hsinshefar than that of at Chiafong. That is, CV of the Hsinshefar is less than CV of the Chiafong either by year or season. Yearly mean of catch species is 143 at Hsinshefar and 130 at Chiafong. Yearly CV of annual total production at Hsinshefar is less than that of Chiafong. There was no significant seasonal difference in catch (p>0.01) for individual company, but there was significant difference between the two companies. Mean catch per unit effort (CPUE) by harvest was 1089kg (CV=20.9 %) and 754.3kg (CV=31.3 %) at Hsinshefar and Chiafong fishing companies, respectively.
