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篇名 Not an “All or Nothing” Phenomenon of Chinese Gapping and Its Influences on Grammaticality of English Gapping
卷期 26
並列篇名 中文空缺結構非絕對存在或不存在及其對英文空缺結構語法判斷的影響
作者 楊碧藍陳淑嫚
頁次 133-150
關鍵字 標準空缺結構左刪除空缺結構與眾不同的轉移canonical gappingLPD gappingmarkedtransfer
出刊日期 201203




It has been a controversy whether Mandarin Chinese (MC) has gapping structure. Using grammaticality judgment tests of MC gapping and English gapping, this study empirically investigated (a) whether or not gapping structures exist in MC for a group of Taiwanese college students, and (b) whether (non-) existence of MC gapping influences their grammaticality judgment of English gapping. Results showed that, for the students, MC gapping was not an “all or nothing” phenomenon, and that (non)-existence of MC gapping significantly influenced them to judge English gapping through the grammaticality judgment tests. The findings challenge Tang’s (2001) hypothesis that canonical gapping does not exist in MC, but Left Peripheral Deletion (LPD) gapping does. Also, these findings question Zobl’s (1984) argument that a marked feature of an L1 will not transfer to L2.
