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篇名 Routing Functions – An Effective Technology for Constructing Node-Disjoint Paths in Hypercubes
卷期 26
作者 賴正男
頁次 081-096
關鍵字 超立方體節點互斥路徑配對最佳化問題Hypercubenode-disjoint pathsmatchingoptimization problem
出刊日期 201203




Routing functions have been shown effective in constructing node-disjoint paths in hypercube-like networks. By the aid of minimal routing functions, n node-disjoint paths from a source node to other n (not necessarily distinct) destination nodes, respectively, have been constructed in an n-dimensional hypercube so that their maximal length is minimized in the worst case. In this paper, we show that by the aid of maximal routing functions, m node-disjoint paths from a source node to other m (not necessarily distinct) destination nodes, respectively, can be constructed in an n-dimensional hypercube so that their total length is minimized, where m≤n. The construction of these m disjoint paths has worst- case time complexity O(m3n1.5), which is more efficient than the previous result of O(m2n2.5+mn3). It is an interesting research topic to exploit various routing functions and study their properties.
