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篇名 Antegrade Ureterorenoscopic Manipulation of Upper Ureteral Stones
卷期 9:3
並列篇名 順行輸尿管腎臟鏡手術於上段輸尿管結石的應用
作者 葉進仲張萬森陳汶吉張士三楊慶鏘吳錫金
頁次 126-131
關鍵字 輸尿管鏡碎石術體外震波碎石術經皮腎造癭碎石術後腹腔鏡輸尿管截石術輸尿管截石術URSLESWlantegrade ureterorenoscopic manipulationureterolithotomyretrop-eritoneoscopic ureterolithotomyTSCI
出刊日期 199806




The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role and success rate of antegrade uret-erorenoscopic manipulation on upper ureteral stones. For this study, several conditions of upper ureteral stones, with a total of 17 stones, were chosen within the most recent 32 mon. Patients included those whose bodies were inappropriate to accept extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL),for example, those with coupling failure; patients who had been accepted for ESWL or ureterorenoscopic lithotripsy (URSL), but whose treatment failed: patients whose upper ureteral stones were too large to undergo ESWL or URSL; and also patients who were chosen by surgeons to accept antegrade ureterorenoscopic manipu-lation. Fourteen upper ureteral stones accepted the antegrade ureterorenoscopic manipulation. Access was created in the operating room by urologists. The stones were also extracted at the same time. Three upper ureteral stones accepted antegrade ureterorenoscopic manipulation, when access was created by radiologists. The next morning the stones were extracted in the op-erating room by the urologists. The obstructing stones in each of the 14 cases of upper ureteral stones were removed in a single procedure. Two other cases of upper ureteral stones following URS push back had suc-cessful antegrade ureteroreenoscopic manipulation. One upper ureteral stone failed to accept the antegrade ureterorenoscopic manipulation and the ureterorenoscopy (URS) push back. Fi-nally this patient accepted ureterolithotomy. In general, The success rate was 93.5%. Antegrade ureterorenoscopic manipulation of upper ureteral stones is safe and effective with a high success rate. This procedure can be selected for patients who have upper ureteral stones failing to accept ESWL or URSL. Using this procedure can avoid more invasive proce-dures, such as lithotomy. (J Urol R.O.C., 9:126-131,1998)
