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篇名 Symptomatic Characteristics and Impact o Quality of Life in Patients with Interstital Cystitis
卷期 9:3
並列篇名 間質性膀胱炎之症狀特性及其生活品質的影響
作者 馬國雄林登龍陳光國張心湜
頁次 148-153
關鍵字 間質性膀胱炎症狀interstitial cystitissymptomsTSCI
出刊日期 199806




The objective of this study is to gradually build up a Chinese database of interstitial cystitis (IC). From January 1993 to July 1996, a total of 26 patients met the criteria for IC. Using a questionnaire, we interviewed 19 patients by a telephone and investigated 7 patients during their hospitalization. The questionnaire included demography, medical history, characteristics of the symptom complex, exacerbating factors, and the impact of IC on quality of life. Most (23) patients are female. The mean age of all patients is 41.0 yr. Ten patients (38.4%) had 1 or more risk factors of hypersensitivity or allergic reaction to medication or food and a cluster of immunopathological abnormalities. Close relatives of 4 patients (15.4%) had similar voiding symptoms. Three patients (11.7%) had consulted a psychologist. Fourteen patients (53.8%) had operative history with the majority (71.4%) of them having undergone gyneco-obstertric surgery. Nineteen patients (73.1%) experienced exacerbation of symptoms by some drinks or diets. Symptoms of 4 patients (15.4%) were weather related. With the aid of a symptom scoring system, we found that the most disturbing symptom was urinary frequency. The mean nocturia is 4.6 times per night. The rare urge incontinence occurred in 2 patients, while 8 pa-tients had stress urinary incontinence. All patients felt pain or discomfort on bladder distention with the pain mostly located in the lower abdomen or vaginal/perineal region. Twelve patients (46.2%) had dyspareunia. IC symptoms had significant ill effects on patients’ quality of life, in which long distance travel was the most severely affected. In comparison to the database from Western countries, our patients experienced longer symptom duration (8.9 vs. less than 5 yr) and lower pain intensity. Our results suggest that indeed some symptomatic characteristics of our IC patients are different from those of IC patients from Western countries. It is invaluable to consider such differences in treating Chineses IC patients. (J Urol R.O.C., 9:148-153, 1998)
