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篇名 Adenocarcinoma Found Among Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia Patients
卷期 7:2
並列篇名 攝護腺切片為攝護腺上皮內腫瘤病例與攝護腺癌之發現
作者 謝啟誠陳安林明正李祥生孫光煥程千里馮超傑王曉暹楊泰和馬正平于大雄
頁次 55-59
關鍵字 攝影腺上皮內腫瘤攝護腺癌prostatic intraepithelial neoplasiaprostate adenocarcinomaTSCI
出刊日期 199606


關於攝護腺之惡性腫瘤前兆病變已被提出多年,而後有許多同義的命名用於這種攝護腺細胞的增生和異常,目前認為攝護腺上皮內腫瘤為最適當的病理名稱。雖然兩者間有密切的相關性,但到底它是真正的惡性病變前兆,或者只是單純和攝護腺癌並存仍有相當大的爭議。我們回顧過去五年因指檢不正常或攝護腺特殊抗原升高而接受片檢查者共204例,其中13例(平均年齡72歲)病理報告為非典型增生或細胞異常,1例為攝護腺上皮內腫瘤。這些病例的病理玻片或標本經重新判讀發現7例可歸為低度之攝護腺上皮內腫瘤,另7例則為高度攝護腺上皮內腫瘤,兩組平均攝護腺特殊抗原濃度分別為17.8 ng/ml及21.8 ng/ml。其中有7例接受經尿道或恥骨後攝護腺切除手術治療,結果6例為攝護腺癌,1例是良性前列腺增生,有1例則在同一次切片的對側組織發現腺癌細胞●在這7位攝護腺癌病患者,最初的切片病理報告有5例是屬於高度攝護腺上皮內腫瘤,2例屬於低度攝護腺上皮內腫瘤。根據這個結果行發現攝護腺上皮內腫瘤和攝護腺癌確實有密切的相關性,我們建議在攝護腺切片檢查發現攝護腺上皮內腫瘤時應立即再重做一次切片,以避免遺漏潛在的攝護腺癌,即使無癌細胞之發現,定期追蹤檢查仍屬重要。


A retrospective review was done of the results in 204 patients who had received prostatic flee- die biopsy for prostate specific antigen (PSA) elevation or abnormal digital rectal examination (DRE) in the past five years, and the clinical significance of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) on prostate biopsy was investigated. Thirteen patients had atypical hyperplasia or dysplasia, and one was PIN in original pathological results. All were reclassified according to the histological criteria of PIN; there were seven low-grade, and seven high-grade, PINs. The average PSA level in the groups was 17.8 ng/ml and 21.8 ng/ml, respectively. Seven patients had adenocarcinoma identified on the surgical specimens of the same biopsy or following transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) and retropubic prostatectomy; one had benign nodular hyperpiasia (BPH) and the remaining six cases had no final pathoigocial diagnosis. Of the seven patients with adenocarcinoma, five cases had been high-grade PIN, and two cases were low-grade PIN in the original prostate biopsy. In conclusion, there is a strong association between PIN and adenocarcinoma of prostate. Immediate repeat biopsies and close follow-up are recommended for patients with PIN identified on prostatic biopsy to detect any possible missed prostatic carcinoma; there should be close follow-up even if the second biopsy is negative.
