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篇名 Retroperitoneal Ganglioneuroblastoma – A Case Report
卷期 7:2
並列篇名 後腹腔神經節神經母細胞瘤-病例報告
作者 傅延宗楊泰和吳清俊陳安馬正平張聖原于大雄
頁次 82-86
關鍵字 神經節神經母細胞瘤細胞去氧核醣核酸流動分析圖ganglioneuroblastomaDNA flow cytometryTSCI
出刊日期 199606




Ganglioneuroblo.stoma originates from neural crest tissue; it is the intermediate type between mature neuroblastoma to ganglioneuroma. Its frequency is about one-fifth that of the neuroblastoma, with half of the cases is younger than 14 years of age. From 1983 to 1995, two ganglioneuroblastomas were diagnosed by pathology at Tri-Service General Hospital. One of the two cases had tumor recurrence three times postoperatively during a 44-month follow-up period. In addition to similar histopathological features, DNA flow cytometric analysis revealed the same DNA stemlines in tumor specimens from different locations. This indicates that these metachronous tumors could be a serial peritoneal implantations of tumor cells from the original huge retroperitoneal tumor. Multicentricity of different stem lines is unlikely in this case. Extraperitoneal radical excision of the tumor and delicate manipulation to prevent intraperitoneal seeding is advised.
