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篇名 Ultrasound Localization of Whole-Level Ureteral Stone for Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy-Early Experience
卷期 4:4
並列篇名 應用超音波定位全段輸尿管結石實施體外震波碎石治療-初步經驗
作者 陳世亮潘英昇黃欣綸廖盈智
頁次 1195-1200
關鍵字 extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsyureteral calculiultrasonographyTSCI
出刊日期 199312


過去認為,使用超音波定位輸尿管結石來施體外震波碎石治療是相當困難的,或只能應用於近端和遠端的輸尿管結石。從1992年9月至1992年12月,我們使用Dornier MPL 9000震波碎石機的內置超音波定位器,定位36例輸尿管結石,這些結石皆分佈於腎盂輸尿管交接處五公分以下,到輸尿管膀胱交接處四公分以上之輸尿管。其中有31例結石完成超音波定位,成功率為86.1% (31/36)。這31例結石全部繼續接受原位之體外震波碎石治療,手術前並沒有使用任何輔助步驟,手術中也沒有使用任何麻醉。經過三個月之追蹤,全部結石之廓清率為83.9%(26/31),對於那些橫徑小於10mm的結路哽高達92%(23/25)。我們認為使用超音波定位全段輸尿管結石,並不如先前報告所描述那般困難,只要具備足夠的經驗及耐心,Dornier MPL 9000震波碎石機也可應用於全段輸尿管結石之定位,而且治療結果相當安全、成功率也相當高。


Ultrasound localization of ureteral stones for in situ extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy(ESWL) treatment is thought to be either very difficult or possible only for proximal and distal ureteral segment. A total 36 cases of ureteral stone were reviewed at TAinan Municipal Hospital from September 1992 to December 1992. All stones were located within the segment 5 cm below the ureteropelvic junction and 4 cm above the ureterovesical junction. An in-line scanner of Dornier MPL9000 lithotriptor was used for first-line ultrasound stone localization. The success rate within this segment was 86.1%(31/36). A total of 31 stones with successful localization were treated with in situ stone disintegration, using the lithotripter. No auxiliary management prior to ESWL treatment was used and no anesthesia was needed during the treatment. The overall success rate in rendering patients free of stone was 83.9% (26/31). The success rate was increased to 92% (23/25) for those ureseral stones with a transverse diameter less than 10 mm. In conclusion, it is believed that ultrasound localization of whole-level ureteral stones is possible, and not so difficult as previously reported. With enough experience and patience in ultrasound localization, Dornier MPL9000 lithotriptor is available, safe and effective for in situ ESWL treatment of most of the ureteral stones.
