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篇名 Experience in Lower Ureteral Stones with Dornier MPL9000 Lithotriptor
卷期 3:4
並列篇名 以Dornier MPL9000 型碎石機治療下段輸尿管結石之經驗
作者 潘英昇陳世亮黃欣綸
頁次 927-930
關鍵字 extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsyureteral stoneTSCI
出刊日期 199212


台南市立醫院自民國八十年七月廿日,開始使用體外震波碎石機,我們回顧前半年以碎石機治療下段輸尿管結石合計70個病人的經驗。在70個病人中,共進行了75次的體外震波碎石術。在碎石時,病人須趴著,同時膀胱必須脹尿。所有病人在碎石前並不需事先放置任何輸尿管導管。而再碎石術後只有一個病人因結石明顯未被擊碎,而接受做輸尿管鏡碎石術,至於其他病人均只單獨接受體外震波碎石術。在75次碎石中有22次(29.3%)病人須注射靜脈麻醉性止痛藥;有一次(1.3%)病人須做硬腦膜外半身麻醉;其他的52次(69.3%)病人均不需任何藥物來止痛。總計在57個有完整追蹤的病人中,有55個病人的結石,只經體外震波碎石數即告排除,因而術後三個月內的成功率是96.5%。我們的結論是未再輸尿管最下端三至四公分的結石,可以以Dornier MPL9000 型碎石機做有效且安全的治療。


Wereviewed 70 cases of lower ureteral stones treated at Tainan Municipal Hospital from July 20th 1991 to january 20th 1992. The Dornier MPL9000 lithotriptor was used for stone disintegration. Patients were all treated in prone position with a full urinary bladder. Among the 75 sessions of treatment, intravenous narcotic analgesics were needed in 22 sessions (29.3%) and epidural anesthesia in 1 session (1.3%). In the rest 52 sessions (69.3%),patients needed nothing for pain relief. No auxilary management was used prior to ESWL. After three months follow-up in 57 patients, 55 patients (96.5%) wewe stone free. The Dornier MPL9000 lithotriptor is easy, safe and effective in treatment of the distal 3-4cm ureteral stones.
