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篇名 性別與年齡在上尿路結石流行病學所扮演之角色
卷期 3:3
並列篇名 The Sex and Age Factor in the Epidemiology of Upper Urinary Tract Stone
作者 李瀛輝黃榮慶陳明村張心湜
頁次 824-830
關鍵字 性別年齡上尿路結石流行病學TSCI
出刊日期 199209


為了瞭解性別與年齡在上尿路結石流行病學扮演之角色,我們研究分析1679例尿路結石之病人,其中 79.8% 屬於上尿路結石共1340例。男性936例,女性404例,男女比例2.32:1。男性在30至39歲和60至69歲兩段時期,屬於上尿路結石之好發年齡;女性則在50至59歲最易罹患上尿路結石。尿路結石之成分分析主要採用紅外線光譜儀分析法並輔以掃描電子顯微鏡和X射線繞射儀等分析法。男性結石成分以草酸鈣與磷酸鈣混合型作多佔66%,依次是草酸鈣結石22%,磷灰石5%,磷酸氨鎂3%,尿酸3%。女性亦以草酸鈣與磷酸鈣混合型居多佔58%,依次是磷灰石13%,草酸鈣12%,磷酸氨鎂11%,尿酸4%。以性別而言,男性較易罹患草酸鈣結石、草酸鈣與磷酸鈣混合型結石以及尿酸結石。男女比例分別為4.2:1,2.6:1和1.5:1。女性則較易得感染性結石(包括磷灰石與磷酸氨鎂結石),男女比例為1:1.4。從年齡層分析,無論男女,只有少數病患是發生在20歲以下或70歲以下上的。小於30歲之青少年一旦罹患結石,其他可能之成分是草酸鈣與磷酸鈣混合型85%。中年男性(30至59歲)亦以採酸鈣與磷酸鈣混合型居多70%,其次是草酸鈣21%,老年男性(大於60歲)雖然仍以草酸蓋與磷酸鈣混合型居多53%,但是草酸鈣(30%)與尿酸鈣(6%)之發生率皆明顯增高。老年女性,草酸鈣(21%)與尿酸(9%)結石發生率明顯增高,其餘各型結石在不同年齡層之發生率差不多。由本研究結果得知,性別與年齡確實影響了不同類型尿路結石之發生率。然而,造成此差異之機轉,究竟是經由性荷爾蒙之作用抑或是飲食、環境之影響,仍須進一部之研究。


To estimate the role of sex and age in the epidemiology of upper urinary tract stones, a total of 1679 urolithiasis patients were ana-lyzed. Among them, 1340 (79.8%) were upper urinary tract stones. The mean age of 936 male patients were 48.5 years old (range 7-96), the mean age of 404 female patients were 49.6 years old (range 10-78). The sex ratio (male:female) was 2.32:1. The incidence of uri-nary tract stones was high in the thirties and sixties of male patients and fifties of female pa-tients. Stones of calcium oxalate, calcium ox-alate and calcium phosphate mixture, uric acid occurred more frequently in men, the sex retio (male:female) was 4.2:1, 2.6:1, 1.5:1 respectively. Infection stones (struvite and carbonate apatite) was slightly high in women, the sex ratio(female:male) was 1.4:1. In both sex, the young (29 or younger), middle-aged (between 30 and 59 years) and old (60 or older) generation, cal-cium oxalate and calcium phosphate mixture was the commontst stone. However, in the old generation, the incidence of calcium oxalate and uric acid increase significantly. In summary, the sex and age indeed influence the incidence and type of upper urinary tract stones. However, the exact mechanism merits further investigation.
