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篇名 Clinical Experience with Pulsed Dye Laser for Ureteral Stones Treatment
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 脈衝式染料雷射治療輸尿管結石的臨床經驗
作者 莊光達李瀛輝陳明村張心湜陳光國Kuang-Kuo ChenTong-Long LinLiang-Ming LeeYen-Hwa Chang
頁次 378-381
關鍵字 pulsed dye laser lithotripsyureteral stone treatment miniscopeTSCI
出刊日期 199103


自從體外電震波碎石術的引用,輸尿管結石的治療有相當大的改變。然而對於定位有困難的或者箝制性(impacted stones) 的輸尿管結石使用體外電震波碎石術仍然是個問題。以對於這些結石的治療,使用內視鏡碎石術是必要的。從1990年4月至1990年7月共有44位輸尿管結石的病患接受治療。結石大小從6mm到30mm不等,平均為17.03mm。結石負荷(stone burden)的定義為所有結石長和寬的總和,以mm表示。治療成功的病患有40位佔90.9%。所有的輸尿管結石都能以雷射加以擊碎。治療的過程中所發生的併發症以暫時性血尿佔最多有38位,發燒有3位,輸尿管及膀胱交界處狹窄有1位。結論:脈衝式染料雷射碎石術在治療尿管結石為一安全又有效的方法。


Forty-four patients with ureteral stone were treated with Candela MDL-2 pulsed dye laser from April to July 1990. Of 44 patients, 40 (90.9%) were considered success-ful. All ureteral stones were disintegrated successfully. The complications of ureterolaser-tripsy included transient hematuria in 38, postoperative pyrexia in 3 and UVJ stenosis in 1 patient. The pulsed dye laser lithotripsy was proved an effective and safe method of treating ureteral stones. (J Urol R.O.C., 2:378-381, 1991)
