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篇名 Constructing Bio-Logical Molecular Parallel Modular Model Using the Adleman-Lipation Model
卷期 3:1
作者 Shan-Hui HoJyhjong LinShin-Yi Liu
頁次 079-085
關鍵字 Biological parallel computingMolecular-based supercomputingDNA-based supercomputing
出刊日期 200811



DNA computing is one of the most popular research fields in recent years, it can solve many NP problems such as the satisfiability problem [5], the maximum cut problem [10] and the binary integer programming problem [11]. In this research we proposed a bio-logical molecular Parallel Modular model using the Adleman-Lipation model [1]. In the future we will apply this Bio-Logic Modular model on solving RSA public-key cryptosystem better and faster.
