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篇名 高中職校長資訊使用環境對資料導向決策影響之研究
卷期 79
並列篇名 The Impact of Information Use Environments on Principals' Data-driven Decision-making in High Schools
作者 張奕華彭文彬
頁次 020-042
關鍵字 校長學高中資訊使用環境資料導向決策principalshiphigh schoolinformation use environmentdata-driven decision-making
出刊日期 201205




This study aims to discuss the effects of the information use environment of high school principals on data-driven decision-making. This study analyzed variables with different backgrounds and school-related variables to perceive the different situations of the information use environment of high school principals and their data-driven decision-making, and discussed the relationship between information use environment and data-driven decision-making. To achieve the research purposes, the study adopted questionnaire survey, and treated 513 high school principals as the research subjects. 272 effective samples were retrieved. The results are as follows: (1) The perception level of the information use environment of the principals and their data-driven decision-making are medium-high. (2) Among the principals with different educational levels, there are significant differences of the perception of the information use environment of the principals as well as their application of data-driven decision-making. (3) Among the principals of different school types, there are significant differences of the perception of the information use environment of the principals. (4) Among the principals from different schools, there are significant differences of the perception of the information use environment of the principals and their application of data-driven decision-making. (5) The study was verified by Structural Equation Modeling and the effects of the information use environment of the high school principals on data-driven decision-making appear to be positive and significant.
