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篇名 由世界高等教育學雜費趨向與成本分攤談我國大學學雜費發展的探討
卷期 79
並列篇名 The Development of Taiwan's Higher Education Tuition Fees in a Perspective of World Tendency in Higher Education Tuition Fees and Cost Sharing
作者 邱侶文
頁次 043-057
關鍵字 成本分攤高等教育學雜費cost-sharinghigher educationtuition fee
出刊日期 201205




The financial expenses of global higher education is gradually reducing. Because of the pervasiveness of higher education and growing number of students, Johnstone in 2006 pointed out that there was a great shift in the policy of free higher education in many countries. Governments began to require students and parents share the cost of higher education, that is to say , students and parents had to pay tuition fees. Therefore, charging tuition fees becomes a strategy of the university and it is also a key part of cost sharing: free tuition fee policies turn to cost sharing. Taiwan is no exception. To meet the demand of growing number of students and deal with the gradual financial austerity, adjusting tuition fees is necessary. When governments formulate and practice tuition fee policies, they have to consider equity and social justice. Government education authorities should request experts and scholars to proceed holistic research, and then lunch specific and practical programs without any political thoughts and private benefits. By means of higher education human resource investment, overall national competitiveness is constructed.
