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篇名 2011年「校長領導卓越」得獎方案之內容分析
卷期 79
並列篇名 Prize-Winning Scheme Content Analysis of “Excellent Leadership by Principal” of 2011
作者 吳麗真
頁次 155-177
關鍵字 領導卓越內容分析經營策略excellent leadershipcontent analysismanagement strategy
出刊日期 201205


本研究旨在探討教育部2011年所舉辦「學校長領導卓越學校」獲獎學校之方案內容。以內容分析法,針對2011年獲獎的二十所學校為研究對象,分析校長領導卓越學校之得獎方案內容,依教育部標準的「教育理念」、「經營策略」、「理念實踐」、「校園氣氛」、「發展特色」五項指標面向來探討。研究發現: (一)就教育理念的趨勢來看,「全人教育觀」的教育理念最受重視。全人教育已成為現代教育的一種趨勢。 (二)就校長的經營策略而言,以「全面管理」最受重視,研究發現領導卓越的經營策略強調全方位管理。 (三)就校長理念實踐的重點來看,「心靈道德」最受到重視。 (四)在校園氣氛中,以「開放型」的校園氣氛比例最高。 (五)在學校發展特色分析中,以「品德教育」的比例最高。可知品德教育已成教育主流。


The study aims to explore prize-winning school scheme content of “school of excellent leadership by principal”. Research objects are 20 schools awarded a prize in 2011. The study makes a content analysis of prize-winning scheme content of school of excellent leadership by principal, and makes an exploration in accordance with 5 indice of “educational philosophy”, “management strategy”, “idea practice”, “campus atmosphere” and “development feature” promulgated by Ministry of Education. Findings are as follows: (1) In point of view of educational philosophy, “holistic education view” is the educational philosophy paid the most attention to. Holistic education has become a trend of modern education. (2) As far as management strategy of a principal is concerned, “total management” is paid the most attention to. The study finds that management strategy of excellent leadership puts emphasis on omnibearing management. (3) In point of view of focal point of principal idea practice, “soul morality” is paid the most attention to. (4) In campus atmosphere, the “open type” accounts for the highest percentage. (5) In school development feature analysis, “morality education” accounts for the highest percentage. It can be known that morality education has become the main stream of education.
