
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 台灣非正規教育課程認證的系統性分析與未來展望:從政策的單向接軌到多元發展
卷期 15:4
並列篇名 Systemic Analysis of Nonformal Curriculum Accreditation in Taiwan: From Formal-Nonformal System Bridging to Multiple Systems Development
作者 李明芬張德永洪櫻純
頁次 025-062
關鍵字 系統化分析非正規教育終身學習課程認證學習成就認證curriculum accreditationlearning achievement accreditationlife-long learningnonformal educationsystemic analysisTSSCI
出刊日期 201211




Nonformal education, which aims at providing the public with well-organized and systematic learning activities, is often designed to meet the needs of divergent learners. The curriculum accreditation policy of Taiwan's nonformal education was initiated in 2005 and launched in 2006. Due to the many controversial issues entangled in the policy implementation process, such as comprehensiveness of regulations, focus of curriculum accreditation, credits granting and transfer, and integral bridging between formal and nonformal education, there emerges great demand for systemic policy analysis. The authors undertake a multiple approach to research design, including focus group interview, on-site visit, systemic analysis and collective dialogue of the world café as well as literature review and long-term policy implementation experiences. They first review the policy development and implementation of the curriculum accreditation and then trace the polarization of original ideals for learning achievement accreditation. Research findings are threefold: Firstly, "learning achievement accreditation", being formally framed in "Life-long Learning Law", has been misinterpreted as "curriculum accreditation" in the policy design and negotiation process. Meanwhile, the creditcourses granting and overemphasis on bridging formal and nonformal education systems have delineated from the original spirit of learning achievement accreditation claimed by many local and international scholars. Secondly, since "Nonformal Learning Achievement Accreditation Regulations" were not intended to design "professional certificate accreditation" or professionalize adults' life-long learning abilities, the policy itself becomes less appealing to many adults. Thirdly, nonformal education should not be regarded as extension or expansion of formal education. To professionalize the nonformal education, institution-based and curriculum or instruction-featured development should receive more emphasis. Most importantly, integration of policy development, law design and regulations implementation should be systemically developed, all of which should be grounded on pioneering thoughts, systemic perspectives and feasible implementation.
