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篇名 應用設計結構矩陣作為價值流程圖工具於精實產品開發
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 Applying DSM as a Value Stream Mapping Tool in Lean Product Development
作者 黃永東黃玉枝呂執中張立穎
頁次 043-060
關鍵字 設計結構矩陣精實產品開發價值流程圖lean product developmentdesign structure matrixvalue stream mapping tool
出刊日期 201205




The concept of lean thinking has been applied in production systems to reduce waste and improve productivity. Gradually, the concept has been widely accepted by various organizations. However, there are difficulties in applying lean thinking to product development processes, especially in the complex product development process. This is due to the high-level interactions between tasks, which making traditional value stream mapping tools unsuitable for applications in lean product development. The main purpose of this manuscript is to apply the design structure matrix (DSM) as a tool for the value stream mapping in the lean product development process, where the seven types of wasteoverproduction, waiting, transport, inappropriate processing, unnecessary inventory, unnecessary motion and defects, are also analyzed. A simplified case study is used to demonstrate how practitioners can utilize the proposed method to reduce waste in the collaborative design environment.
