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篇名 批判思考與全人評估
卷期 24:1=81
並列篇名 Critical Thinking and Holistic Assessment
作者 陳夏蓮李薇莉蔣季華
頁次 024-031
關鍵字 評估批判思考全人評估護理教育
出刊日期 201303




Assessment is the most important and essential skills facilitating clinical care providing by nurses, and also the first step of the nursing process. Assessment is not just a collection of information, but more importantly is the step of data analysis, so that the nursing diagnosis can be established. Nursing care activities are patient-centered. Solving patient’s health care issues should base on a holistic assessment framework, and apply the skills of critical thinking to collect data and analyze data effectively in order to understand patient care needs and master their problem. This article intends to elaborate utilization of the holistic concept and skills of critical thinking in the process of data collect and analyze by its definition. Proficient in critical thinking skills may strengthen the accuracy of clinical decision making, and effectiveness of solving problems related to clinical care may be promoted.
