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篇名 提昇乳癌病人術後執行運動正確率之改善方案
卷期 24:1=81
並列篇名 A Project to Promote Correct Rehabilitation for Post-operative Breast Cancer Patients
作者 陳曉雯姜美夙王佩玉郭美玲
頁次 041-051
關鍵字 乳癌復健淋巴水腫
出刊日期 201303




Rehabilitative exercises are known to improve arm paresthesia and restriction in arm abduction that are common in patients after surgery for breast cancer. This study aimed at investigating the quality of rehabilitative exercises that patients underwent after breast cancer surgery between November 1, 2009 and April 30, 2010. The results showed that only 51.1% of nursing staff were able to give correct guidance for rehabilitative exercises and only 37.1% of patients exercised correctly. The mean discomfort level of affected arm reported by the patients was 4.1 on a scale of 10. The causes were attributable to leak of a complete standard operation procedure, insufficient staff training, and failure to include this item in quality assurance program. The strategies for improvement included revising the standard operation procedure, publishing brochures with information on appropriate rehabilitative exercises after breast surgery and correct procedure of lymphatic massage, establishing a quality-monitoring system, organizing in-service training courses for nurses and group education for patients. After implementation of these strategies, 91.8% of nursing staff were able to in provide accurate guidance on rehabilitative exercises for patients after breast surgery, 88.1% of patients were able to exercise correctly, and the discomfort on afforded arm decreased to a level lower than 2.5.

