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篇名 一位合併惡性蕈狀傷口的乳癌病人接受門診放射治療期間之護理經驗
卷期 24:1=81
並列篇名 The Nursing Experience Caring for a Breast Cancer Patient with Malignant Fungating Wound during Outpatient Radiotherapy
作者 許瓊惠王維芳
頁次 062-070
關鍵字 乳癌惡性蕈狀傷口放射線治療照護
出刊日期 201303




This article described the experience of a nurse directly responsible for the care of a breast cancer patient with malignant fungating wound who received the radiotherapy and faced physical and psychological distress. Due to ignorance and lack of medical knowledge at the early cancer stage, the patient chose the Chinese herb treatment and missed the crucial time of surgical treatment. The author collected data through observation, physical assessment and interviews. The period of nursing care ran from October 12 through December 18, 2009. The author confirmed the nursing problems and found that the patient had impaired skin integrity, anxiety, and social isolation related to open fungating wound. The focus of nursing intervention was to provide empathy and comfort care, educate patient self wound care, and enhance social support network by giving sufficient medical information. These nursing care interventions had solved patient’s wound problem and enhanced patient’s level of comfort and quality of life. This nursing experience may provide a clinical reference in caring for such cases in the future.
