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篇名 照護一位格林-巴瑞症候群老人之護理經驗
卷期 24:1=81
並列篇名 The Nursing Experiences for an Elderly Patient with Guillain-Barre Syndrome
作者 莊依玫韓玉蘭
頁次 081-089
關鍵字 格林-巴瑞症候群老人照護護理
出刊日期 201303




This case study is about the nursing experiences for a seventy-three year-old patient with a rare disorder, Guillain-Barre syndrome. The author cared for this patient from June 5th to June 30th in 2011. The author used comprehensive geriatric assessment to collect both subjective and objective information through observation, interview, and physical assessment. This patient experienced anxiety for limbs action dysfunction due to neuron loss and unknown prognosis of the rare disorder. Besides, the patient’s relatives also experienced caregivers’ role strain to deal with this sudden impact. With active attention and listening, the author provided disease and treatment-related health education to alleviate anxiety and to enhance understanding of disease and treatment. The author designed personal bedside activities and encouraged the relatives to accompany and join in rehabilitation programs in recovery phase. The author aimed to make this patient and his family return to normal life and achieve holistic and familial balance as soon as possible.
