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篇名 Effectiveness of 6-week Fitness Education Program on Fitness Knowledge and Physical Fitness in Girls
卷期 11:4
並列篇名 青少女體適能運動與知識介入對健康體適能成效探討
作者 余惠娟闕可欣
頁次 237-246
關鍵字 Physical fitnessphysical educationfitness-related knowledgegirls體適能介入運動教育健康青少女
出刊日期 201312


背景和目的:青少女是一群在健康需求與促進有獨特需要的特定群體,其健康體適能的提昇是值得被重視。本研究探討體適能運動介入對青少女健康體適能及運動知識之成效。方法:本類實驗研究招募69 位13 至14 歲的國中青少女為研究對象,以班級隨機分派其中30 位學生為實驗組,另39 位學生為對照組。測量工具為運動知識量表及健康體適能測驗項目。在介入前與後一週執行測驗,收集前後測資料分析青少女健康體適能改變。實驗組接受六週的運動介入課程,內容包括柔軟度訓練、主題運動及緩和運動。結果:調整青少女年齡變項後,實驗組在運動知識(F=90.04, df=1, p<.001)、瞬發力(F=15.82, df=1, p<.001)、柔軟度(F=6.22, df=1, p=.015)、心肺耐力(F=4.58, df=1, p=.036) 的前後測變化皆比對照組顯著進步。結論:建議未來應用體適能運動與知識介入於臨床教學與學校護理教育中。


Background and purpose: Girls is a specific group with unique health needs. Promoting their health and fitness is worth being taken seriously. This study investigates the efficacy of a 6-week physical fitness program on girls’ fitness-related knowledge and physical fitness examinations. Methods: This quasi-experimental study was recruited 69 junior high school girls, aged 13-14. The classes were randomized to an experimental group (n = 30) or a control group (n = 39) to determine the outcome measures of fitness-related knowledge and physical fitness. Tests were conducted 1 week before and after program completion. The experimental group participated in a 6-week physical fitness program, while the control group participated in standard physical education. Results: The results showed a significant improvement in the experimental group in fitness-related knowledge (F=90.04, df=1, p<.001), jumping power (F=15.82, df=1, p<.001), flexibility (F=6.22, df=1, p=.015), and cardiopulmonary endurance/efficiency (F=4.58, df=1, p=.036) compared to the control group. Conclusion: This work suggests implementing a regular 6-week physical fitness program as part of the school curriculum.
