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篇名 運用渥太華五大行動綱領建構老年人行的安全
卷期 11:4
並列篇名 Developing Road and Transport Safety Strategies for the Aged Utilizing the Five Action Principles of the Ottawa Charter
作者 蔡宜君傅秀雲朱蓮牛孝玲陳淑娟許珉瑄
頁次 247-258
關鍵字 老年人行人交通事故五大行動綱領高齡友善城市The AgedPedestrianTraffic AccidentsFive Action Principles of the Ottawa CharterAged Friendly Cities
出刊日期 201312


背景和目的:人口結構老化是全球的趨勢,營造一個年長者能夠健康老化的環境更顯重要。本專案為小型前驅研究,目的為運用渥太華五大行動綱領的原則建構一個讓老年人更安全的生活環境,健康專業服務人員藉此擬定與修正未來研究與實務操作策略,以減少交通事故發生,促使大眾更重視交通安全,以達到「高齡友善交通環境」。方法:以實地田野勘察及問卷調查的方式,於2011 年3 月21 日至6 月12 日期間針對臺北市X 行政區域的一座Y 公園進行資料收集,採立意取樣,以60 歲以上長者為對象,共30 位。結果:顯見Y 公園周遭人行道亂象叢生,民眾、駕駛者不遵守交通規則的情形十分嚴重,社區中鮮少舉辦交通安全講座,在人行道及交通環境、交通標誌也有許多亟待改善之處。結論:本專案依世界衛生組織(WHO)渥太華健康促進憲章中的五大行動綱領分析其問題,並提供具體可行的建議及策略。「高齡友善城市」是全球希望推動落實執行的計畫,年長者「行」的安全攸關整個社會及家庭的福祉,對全民健保制度的施行及降低醫療成本至關重要,是全民必須共同努力的目標。


The growth of an aging population is a global trend, and it has become ever more critical as to how we can create a healthy environment for the aged. Objective: The purpose of this pilot study was to utilize the five action principles of the Ottawa Charter in order to create a safer and more favorable environment for the aged. Through this study, we hope to further develop better strategies to reduce the regular occurrence of serious accidents. We will be able then, to better educate the general public to pay greater attention to traffic safety issues and other preventable roadside mishaps, thus achieving a “socially responsive traffic environment for the aged”. Methods: This study used onsite field observations and a questionnaire survey. We used purposive sampling to carry out the information collection of 30 subjects aged over 60 years, who were interviewed at Y Park in X District, Taipei between the 21st of March and the 12th of June, 2011. Results: It was obvious the traffic environment, pedestrian sidewalks, and traffic signs needed to be greatly improved around Y Park in X District. Both the general public and vehicular drivers were often quite oblivious to their erratic and dangerous driving behavior and were often in violation of many traffic regulations. Furthermore, traffic safety seminars were almost never held in the community. Conclusions: This project follows the principles of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, and provides substantive, feasible suggestions and strategies. “Aged Friendly Cities” is the global project that has been created and implemented on a worldwide basis. Traffic and transportation safety is crucial to the concerns of the aged and the general community. Moreover, better strategies would also help to decrease medical and national health insurance costs. All governments, citizens and policy makers will hopefully embrace this international initiative.
