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篇名 Symptomatic Prostatic Cyst: A Case Report
卷期 6:3
並列篇名 症候性攝護腺囊腫:單一病例報告
作者 梁宏華李泓家黃建榮陳冠州
頁次 139-142
關鍵字 攝護腺囊腫超音波導引下抽吸Prostatic cystTRUS-guided aspiration
出刊日期 200809




Prostatic cysts are frequently found during routine prostate studies, but they are usually asymptomatic, and little attention is given to them most of the time. We report a patient with a symptomatic prostatic cyst. Voiding difficulty was noted for several months and was exacerbated over the past few days. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed and revealed only mild prostate enlargement, but a huge prostate cyst (18 cm3) was noted. Pelvic computed tomography (CT) and seminovasography revealed that the cyst was confined to the left prostate gland, and no communication of the cyst with the seminal vesicle was shown. Transrectal sono-guided cyst aspiration was smoothly performed, and there was no sign of cyst recurrence during regular follow-up of x months/years[how long?]. Transrectal sono-guided cyst aspiration, rather than open surgery or transurethral cyst unroofing, can provide an alternative choice of treatment.
