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篇名 大專院校特色課程的新思維:以歐盟、香港之資歷架構為例
卷期 90
並列篇名 The New Thinking of Innovative Curriculum in Higher Education: Qualifications Framework of Europe and Hongkong Sample
作者 黃宇仲
頁次 127-139
關鍵字 高等教育資歷架構Higher EducationQualifications Framework
出刊日期 201403
DOI 10.3966/160683002014030090006


國內高等教育問題隨著社會變遷的影響下經營更加艱巨。我國傳統高等教育封閉,高等教育政策、課程規劃等難以因應時代趨勢。大學課程改革的方向與教育體制相輔相成,牽一髮而動全身。然而綜觀國際,全球高等教育近年來在歐洲興起資歷架構(Qualifications Framework, QF)風潮,藉由學習者本身舊有的經歷(如工作經驗),來給予個別化的課程與教學。本文將以文獻分析之方式,藉由第一個發展資歷架構的歐洲與以歐洲經驗為範本,成功轉化資歷架構用於東方國家的香港兩地之資歷架構的發展與實施,俾以國際經驗,改善臺灣高等教育課程僵化之問題,發展特色課程。


In Taiwan, higher education issues that curriculum, teaching and management is deterioration. Curriculum reform of university depends on the public sector and university leader both are indispensable. The article overviews the qualification frameworks of international higher education in Europe and Hong Kong, investigating its functions and capabilities. The qualification frameworks are based on the experience of the learners themselves. Giving the learners individualized curriculum and instruction. The article use analysis of literature to understand the operation of Europe and Hong Kong for QF. To expectant for the new prospect at higher education in Taiwan.
