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篇名 教師專業發展評鑑結合校務發展之推動歷程:一所高中個案分析
卷期 90
並列篇名 The Evolving Process of Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development Linking to School Improvement: A High School Case
作者 潘慧玲江惠真
頁次 140-158
關鍵字 教師專業發展評鑑校務發展學校革新Teacher evaluation for professional developmentschool developmentschool innovation
出刊日期 201403
DOI 10.3966/160683002014030090007




"Teacher evaluation for professional development (TEPD) as a type of personnel evaluation is conducive to the enhancement of teacher professional competence, and furthermore, may propel changes in the school. Especially if the evaluation is launched in accordance with school development, the interconnection between evaluation and other school projects and activies would be feasible. This study, using a high school as a case, employed observation, interview and document analysis as methods to collect data. It aimed to explore how TEPD evolved in different stages of school development over the past decade. Three stages of emerging, adaption and development were revealved. The school used the checklist of teaching performance when implementing the pilot program of comprehensive school. Then it expanded the scope of teacher performance checking under the policy of Communitization of High Schools. Participating in the School Actualization Program, the case school finally materializes the TEPD."
