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篇名 校園人力運用彈性化與部分工時待遇均等原則之探討―― 以國民中、小學兼任教師為例
卷期 90
並列篇名 The Discussion on Elasticity of Teacher Employment and Principle of Equal Treatment about Part-Time Work in Campus -An Example as Non-full Time Teachers in Elementary and Junior Hihg Schools
作者 汪耀文
頁次 159-171
關鍵字 鐘點費平等原則兼任教師待遇均等Hourly PayPrinciple of EqualityNon-full Time TeachersEqual Treatment
出刊日期 201403
DOI 10.3966/160683002014030090008




This paper tried to use content analysis to collect relevant laws and regulations about non- full-time teachers’ employment and compensation and to discuss the legality of different specification between fulltime teachers and non- full-time teachers about hourly pay of teaching extra classes from the perspective of the constitutional principle of equality. Full-time teachers recevied hourly pay of teaching extra classes by “Week” and part-time teachers got their salary by “Class”. This regulation could violate principle of equality. The standard of approving hourly pay about teaching support staffs in both elementary school and junior high school is same , but the standard of approving hourly pay about substitute teachers in both elementary school and junior high school isn’t same. It is important to balance high and elementary schools’ right, fulltime and part-time teachers’ right and to strengthen the protection of the rights of teachers’ teaching. To adjust appropriately our current hourly pay supply system is the core issues of concern in this paper.
