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篇名 無線SDN網路的頻寬切片技術
卷期 156
並列篇名 A Bandwidth Slicing Technique in Wireless SDN Networks
作者 黃貴笠劉家隆顏在賢王慕良黃經天
頁次 021-028
關鍵字 軟體定義網路無線網路頻寬切片Software-Defined NetworkSDNWireless NetworkBandwidth Slicing
出刊日期 201404


企業網路必須管理不同類型的使用者,包括公司裝置、BYOD(Bring Your Own Device)裝置(員工自有裝置)、來訪客戶的裝置等,賦與不同層級的網路存取權,因此,需要獨立的資源管理政策,以確保企業資訊安全。此外,企業無線網路中的使用者大多會移動,無線的資源管理必須考量使用者的行動性,做動態的適應性的調整。本論文利用軟體定義網路(Software-Defined Network, SDN)中控式管理架構, 於無線網路環境中做動態的無線資源管理, 探討將一市售WiFi AP轉換成具備SDN功能的WiFi AP之技術,以及基於此平台的頻寬切片技術。實驗結果顯示,頻寬切片技術可應用在WiFi AP上,可為不同族群的使用者配置不同的頻寬,可即時動態調整頻寬,驗證了頻寬切片技術的可行性。


Enterprise network managers take into considerations of various groups, such as BYOD devices, company-provided staff devices and guest devices so that different resource access policies of di fferent groups should be enforced to guarantee the enterprise information security and productive resource utilization toward the enterprise. In addition, mobile users moving nomadically within a wireless enterprise network makes the constitution of users under an access point changing occasionally. Therefore, a dynamic wireless bandwidth allocation system is expected to adapt to the changing situation. This work utilizing the centralized control architecture of software-defined network (SDN), which is especially suitable for a wireless network due to its dynamics, discusses the technique of transferring a domestic WiFi AP to an SDN-enabled WiFi AP and the bandwidth slicing technique on such WiFi AP. Experimental results show that the wireless bandwidth can be sliced into proportions for groups at a WiFi AP and the proportions can be adjusted dynamically in real time, verifying the feasibility of the bandwidth slicing technique on an SDN-enabled WiFi AP.
