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篇名 螢幕內容視訊編碼之循環參考填補技術
卷期 156
並列篇名 Cyclic Reference Padding for Screen Content Video Coding
作者 張耀仁林俊隆
頁次 043-050
關鍵字 畫面內區塊複製技術調色編碼技術高效能螢幕內容編碼Intra block copyIBCPalette-based codingPBCHigh efficiency screen content codingSCC
出刊日期 201404


螢幕內容分享服務隨著Apple airplay推出後,成為熱門影音分享服務,為此WI-FI聯盟訂定了新的Miracast標準。另一新興雲端互動式螢幕分享服務則透過Internet將遠端伺服器執行的螢幕畫面分享至使用者,讓使用者可透過互動介面操控遠端伺服器,雲端遊戲、雲端智慧家庭、Remote Play、Thin Client、遠端桌面即是此服務之應用。針對上述應用國際視訊標準組織ISO/IEC MPEG與ITU-T正著手制定新的高效能螢幕內容編碼標準,本論文先介紹用於此標準的兩大編碼工具:畫面內區塊複製技術及調色編碼技術。其中畫面內區塊複製的技術概念是將鄰近區塊畫面複製到現在編碼單元的畫面以減少傳輸資訊量;而調色編碼的技術概念則是搜尋可代表這個編碼單元內的幾個主要顏色,並利用這些顏色所對應的編號來對編碼單元內的每一畫素進行編碼。而為了提升現有之畫面內區塊複製編碼效能,本論文提出兩種新的循環參考填補技術讓編碼區塊可參考鄰近已編碼區塊重疊之區域。為了與國際團隊所提之最新技術進行公平效能比較,我們將所提出的填補技術實作在標準組織所提供的參考軟體上,並遵照該組織所訂的測試樣本與條件進行實驗,結果顯示所提的技術相較於其他技術, 可在同樣的編碼及解碼時間下,達到更高的壓縮率。


Screen sharing services have received extensive attention since apple Inc. announced screen mirroring functionality, called airplay, on their products, such as iPhone, iPad and iTV. To provide screen sharing service on heterogeneous platforms and devices, WiFi-Alliance also announced a peer-to-peer wireless screencast standard based on WiFi direct connections. Besides, there are also many envisioned applications of screen sharing, such as cloud gamming, cloud play, remote play, thin-client, remote desktop control and so on. For meeting the requirements of emerging applications, ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T are jointly working on making a high efficiency screen content video coding standard (SCC). This article will first introduce the coding tools under development for SCC, including intra block copy (IBC) and palette-based coding (PBC). The concept of IBC is to copy the neighboring block to the current coding unit (CU) for bit-rate reduction. The concept of PBC is to search different major colors to represent the current CU, and to use the indexes of the major colors to code each pixel in the current CU. To extend the neighboring block search range to the overlapping region of the current CU for IBC, this article further proposes two cyclic reference padding techniques, and evaluates the proposed padding techniques on the reference software provided by JCT-VC. The results show that the proposed methods outperform the other competing methods in terms of coding gain under the same encoding/decoding time.
