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篇名 具自我調適性之稀疏表示法用於視訊區塊效應消除
卷期 156
並列篇名 Video Deblocking via Self-Adaptive Sparse Representation
作者 蔡洛緯陳國睿李國徵
頁次 059-066
關鍵字 稀疏表示法自適應學習視訊品質提升Sparse RepresentationAdaptive LearningVideo Quality Enhancement
出刊日期 201404




The quality of video streaming depends on the transmission bandwidth of network. Block-based discrete cosine transform method is widely used in static images and dynamic video compression. When the video is transmitted through the Internet under the limited bandwidth, lower bit rate compression method yields severe blocking effects after image reconstruction. In recent years, the sparse representation method is proposed and adapted for image reconstruction. The high computation complexity and additional reference to a large number of natural images for dictionary learning are still challenging problems. To enhance the computing speed to meet the demand of processing a large number of video s, this paper presents a self-adaptive and dynamic neighboring group learning mechanism for dictionary training. In this paper, PSNR and SSIM are used as video quality metrics. Compared with prior work, experimental results show that this method can significantly reduce computing time more than 30 times under similar image quality.
