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篇名 台南市老人的居住安排與居住環境之地區性比較—兼論社區老人住宅之接受度
卷期 14:2/3
並列篇名 Comparison of Elderly Living Arrangement and Residential Environment across Districts: With Reference to Elderly Viewpoint of Community Senior Housing
作者 黃幹忠夏晧清
頁次 067-082
關鍵字 人際網絡在地老化步行友善Scopus
出刊日期 201312


居住環境對老人的人際網絡、活躍老化與在地老化皆有非常重要的影響,因此對於老人居住環境的跨地區比較顯然有其必要性,然而台灣學術界到目前似乎仍少有人論及此一議題。因此本研究以台南市中西區、永康區與新化區等三個都市發展程度不同的行政區為研究範圍,經由系統抽樣法與家戶訪談得150份有效問卷,而後透過交叉分析與單因子變異數分析檢討不同行政區老人在居住安排偏好與鄰里環境評價的差異性。最後以社區老人住宅作為居住安排的選項,檢討其接受度與可能的實施方向。研究結果發現:(1) 80.0%的老人認為理想的居住安排型態是與子女同住,另有15.3%回答「未與子女同住但與成年子女同鄰而居」,顯示原生家庭緊密連結的關係對於老人的重要性,且此一觀點不存在行政區上之差異。(2) 目前多數老人居住的鄰里環境並不完全符合步行友善環境的要求,尤其涉及老人移動性的項目之評價偏低,此特別在永康區這種人口成長過速且發展失衡的地區更為明顯。(3) 72%的老人並不願意移住社區老人住宅,但若能結合配套措施與既有之人際網絡,則仍有28%的老人願意移住。


Residential environment is critical to elderly social network,active aging, and aging in place. Therefore, it is necessary to compare elderly residential environment across districts. However, it seems that few efforts are made in this area. This study took West Central District, Yong Kang District, and Sin Hua District as cases, and 150 questionnaires were completed by using Systematic Sampling Method and household investigation. Comparison of elderly living arrangement and residential environment across districts were implemented by Cross Analysis and One-Way ANOVA. Community Senior Housing was also set as an option of living arrangement, and elderly were asked to reply their viewpoints. The empirical results show that (1) 80% elderly prefer aging in place and live with adult children and 15.3% elderly response that not live with adult children but live in the same community. It indicates the importance of tight connection between elderly and their original family and there is no difference across districts. (2) Residential environment to most elderly are not pedestrian friendly, and items related to mobility are valued with low scores especially in Yong Kang District which is refer to a crowed and unplanned district. (3) 72% elderly are not interested in Community Senior Housing, however, 28% of all are still willing to live in Community Senior Housing while connecting with supportive measures and original social network.
