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篇名 農地別墅對客家聚落衝擊之研究:美濃在地住民看法
卷期 14:2/3
並列篇名 A Study of Farmland Villa's Impacts on the Hakka Village: Resident's Perspectives in Meinong
作者 廖淑容
頁次 109-130
關鍵字 美濃農地別墅客家聚落MeinongFarmland villaHakka villageScopus
出刊日期 201312




In recent years, it is obvious that the rural redevelopment is driven to strategies of rural tourism, new urban settlers, and fine farming development. Meinong, located in Kaohsiung city, owns Hakka’s cultural resources, beautiful pastoral scenery, and convenient transportation and has become a destination of rural tourism and urban population emigrated in Kaohsiung metropolitan. However, the new immigration is gradually reforming a new landscape constructed by farmland villas and causes a significant social change. This study aims to discuss views of local residents on impacts of farmland villa in Meinong through field interviews and questionnaire survey. The result points out that local resident aware increasing trend of farmland villas and new immigrants, which apparently presented impacts on rural landscape, agricultural economy and social interaction. Although the residents still give a positive and friendly response for such changes, issues of farmland building integrated to the environment and new relationships between old and new residents should be highlighted in Meinong’s new development.
