
建築與規劃學報 Scopus

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篇名 住宅對偶性與住戶搬遷分析
卷期 14:2/3
並列篇名 Model for Housing Duality and Household Movement Decision
作者 胡志平
頁次 131-146
關鍵字 用腳投票稅負住宅對偶性典型相關分析logit模型Voting by feetTax expenditureHousing dualityCanonical correlation analysisLogit modelScopus
出刊日期 201312




The famous theory of voting by feet in urban economics indicates household would choose the most optimal city to live under the consideration of tax expenditure and service level of this city. Migration for the reasons of living environmental quality improvements, working trip time decreases, locational accessibility increases, facilities uses satisfaction, family life cycle adjustments, in addition, this research believes that housing duality is another important factor to affect household’s decision to migrate. For the significance test of household movement from the exogenous variables, this research uses the household movement decision as endogenous variable. Apartment building is selected to be the population of this research since it shares the large proportion of housing types in Hsin Chu city. A questionnaire survey on households is designedobtain the data used in this research. Firstly, canonical correlation analysis is applied to define housing duality indicator by the calculation with the absolute value of difference between the first canonical factor standardized score of household attributes and the first canonical factor standardized score of dwelling characteristics and significance test is used to identify the statistical implication. Secondly, the binary Logit model is applied to construct causal relationship between household movement decision and exogenous variables. Finally, the result shows the importance of housing duality and the significant influence on household movement decision from factors of living environment, commuting time, transport demand, comfortable life, family life cycle, and housing duality.
