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篇名 為什麼人們要社群購物?整合動機、沈浸與顧客價值理論之實證研究
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 Why do people go social shopping? An empirical study integrating motivation, flow and customer value theory
作者 林郁翔江浩平
頁次 053-063
關鍵字 社群媒體動機理論沉浸理論RFM模式社群購物social mediamotivationflow theoryRFM modelsocial shopping
出刊日期 201406


近年來,隨著網路社群媒體的蓬勃發展,社群購物已成為重要的電子商務活動之一。瞭解消費者使用社 群媒體的動機與其購買行為已成為行銷者的重要工作。本研究應用動機、沉浸與顧客價值等理論來探討消費者使用社群媒體的動機對消費者購買行為的影響。本研究利用台灣網路資訊中心(TWNIC)提供的979筆「民國101年台灣地區民眾上網行為」樣本,透過類別迴歸分析方法進行假說驗證。研究結果顯示,即時分享抒發心情、社群成員眾多、休閒娛樂、易用性、滿足社交需求、暫時現實、打發時間以及好奇等8項社群使用動機,均會正向影響消費者使用社群媒體的時間。第二,高度社群成員間互動性、滿足社交需求、暫離現實,以及使用社群媒體時間等社群媒體使用動機,均會正向影響消費者購買頻率。第三,休閒娛樂及暫離現實等動機,均會正向影響消費者購買金額。篇末提供社群媒體行銷之理論與實務建議。


Social shopping has become a significant part of E-commerce since the progressively development of social media. Therefore, a critical issue for marketer is that, to identify the motivations of social media usage and the motivations of social shopping. This research applies the theory of motivation, flow and customer value to examine the impact of motivations of social media usage on social shopping behavior. Using a sample of 979 data is provided by TWNIC database. The results of categorical regression show that the motivations of instantly sharing emotion, network externalities, perceived enjoyment, perceived ease of use, social need, temporary loss of self-consciousness, pass the time and curiosity have positive effect on time of social media usage. Another finding is that the motivations of interact between members of social media, social need, temporary loss of self-consciousness and time of social media usage have positive impact on the frequency of social shopping. The third finding is that the motivations of perceived enjoyment and temporary loss of self-consciousness have positive effect on the the monetary of social shopping. This article provides theoretical and practical solutions for social media management.
