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篇名 我國收養制度評估服務執行問題之研究
卷期 16
並列篇名 A Study on Enforcement of Taiwan adoption system Assessment Services
作者 林民凱
頁次 085-101
關鍵字 收出養媒合服務機構收養子女本位法院認可出養Adoption AgencyAdoptionChild-basedCourt RecognitionAdopted
出刊日期 201406




The purpose of this article is to probe the current adoption system on assessing the services of adoption agencies. Firstly, historical approach was employed to understand the core concept and historical evolution of our adoption system, which included the home-based adoption system, the parents-based adoption system and the child-based adoption system. Besides, the necessity of introducing civil rights to the adoption examination was also discussed. Secondly, documentary and law analyses were adopted to analyze the regulations on adoption in current civil law and “Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act”. Based on the viewpoint of the system, an attempt was made to understand the operational history of our current adoption system. Furthermore, during the process of law enforcement involving adoption agency, social affairs authority and permission by court ruling with regard to the current adoption system, the easily happened system conflict or paradox on value was surveyed, especially since May 2013 on the issue of adopter’s responsibility of expenses and compulsory pre-examination system to adoption agency. Finally, a law revision on adoption system was proposed to set up an adoption system full of our nation’s character.
