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篇名 邁向十二年國教的生命教育:師資培育的教學與課程設計
卷期 251
並列篇名 Preparing Life Education Teachers for the 12 Year Basic Education in Pre-Service Stage
作者 李真文羅寶鳳
頁次 016-030
關鍵字 十二年國民基本教育生命教育職前師資培育12 year basic educationlife educationpre-service teacher education
出刊日期 201503
DOI 10.3966/168063602015030251002




Recently, 12 year basic education has been implemented in Taiwan for one year and we expect this educational reform will bring positive influence to life education. Thereare three beneficial conditions in terms of life education. First, teachers and students could learn together to explore wisdom of life; Second, students could have adaptive learning and multiple development; Third, each school should be excellent in quality and each student could develop his/her unique characteristics. With the mission statement of 12 year basic education, teachers shall perform effective teaching and adjust their teaching constantly, and they are expected to infuse the topic of life education into their curriculum. In addition, they should be able to cooperate with their colleagues to perform the integrated teaching, in order to carry out life education successfully. Regarding life education, there are several challenges for teacher educators. Under severe control of teacher education from Ministry of Education, not many life educationcourses could be offered. Students have less opportunity to be familiar with topics in lifeeducation. Therefore, student teachers might lack of relative literacy for them to teach lifeeducation in the future. We hope that through the curriculum re-design to enhance the ability of infusing and integrating life teaching for future teachers, and to empower them with more service-learning and caring experiences as well. In sum, life education teacher training is a tough work but worth the effort.
