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篇名 青少年自我傷害與自殺成因及預防策略之初步探討
卷期 251
並列篇名 Explored the Causes of Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention Strategies of Adolescent
作者 邱紹一胡秀媛
頁次 031-047
關鍵字 自殺企圖自殺行為自殺防治暨干預計畫自殺防治策略suicide attemptssuicide behaviorsuicide-preventive interventions programssuicide preventive strategies
出刊日期 201503
DOI 10.3966/168063602015030251003




The main purposes of this study review/examine evidence for the effectiveness of specific suicide-preventive interventions and to make recommendations for future preventionprograms and research. In 2012, an estimated 1,340 15-24years old lives were lost Taiwan through suicide by 14.6%. Some developed nations have implemented national suicideprevention plans. Although these plans generally propose multiple interventions, their effectiveness is rarely evaluated. The suicide-preventive interventions programs included education and awareness programs, primary care physicians, general public, and community or organizational gatekeepers. The suicide behavior treatment included pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, follow-up care for suicide attempts, restriction of access to lethal means, and media reporting guidelines for suicide. Finally, the research propose four tactics, social activity refuse and change tactics, continue promote the life education, home education and parent-teacher cooperation, and self- management with the intersection of society support.
