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篇名 合作學習應用於國小六年級學童動物保護教育之行動研究
卷期 251
並列篇名 An Action Research on the Application of Cooperative Learning to Animal Protection Education for Six Grade Elementary School Students
作者 林佑真吳佩珍
頁次 073-090
關鍵字 合作學習行動研究動物保護教育cooperative learningaction researchanimal protection education
出刊日期 201503
DOI 10.3966/168063602015030251005




This study aimed to explore the process and effects of an action research on the application of cooperative learning to animal protection for sixth grade elementary school students. This research was taken place in one class of a Taipei elementary school and included three main topics and nine courses. The effects of the animal protection courses were evaluated using qualitative data of teaching plans, self-examination records, notes from teachers, documents from students, and quantative data from animal protection questionnaire. The main results were: 1. Cooperative learning was able to improve knowledge and attitude of students in animal protection. Students found it easier to learn the content of the course through the cooperative learning; 2. A proper cooperation and enhancement of function of group leader, establishment of reward system were found to be a good solution to problems in applying cooperative learning to animal protection courses. Based on the research findings, some suggestions are proposed for the school teachers and future research.
