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篇名 臺灣生命教育研究議題之趨勢與發展:以2010~2014年學位論文為例
卷期 251
並列篇名 The Tendency and Development of Life Education Research Topic in Taiwan: 2010-2014 Academic Thesis for Instance
作者 林香河林進材
頁次 091-109
關鍵字 生命教育研究學位論文life education research,academic thesis
出刊日期 201503
DOI 10.3966/168063602015030251006




The purpose of this study is to discuss the tendency and developments of life education research topics in Taiwan, to analyzed the content through academic thesis from 2010 to 2014, to understand the meanings, the phases of the objects, the models, the purposesand the tendencies of life education research of Taiwan, as well as described its tendencyand development of life education research topics in Taiwan. This study used the topic of life education, via the research in database of “National Digital Library of Thesis and Dissertations in Taiwan”, to underwent the analysis of study issues and developments, in reference to further proposed the conclusions and suggestions, as well as the reference for life education scholars and for schools impetus to life education.
