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篇名 生命教育理念與實施
卷期 251
並列篇名 Rationale and Application of Life Education
作者 魏麗敏張勻銘
頁次 110-125
關鍵字 生命教育理念實施life educationrationaleapplication
出刊日期 201503
DOI 10.3966/168063602015030251007




Life education aims to teach students living in harmony with self and others (Ministry of Education, 2010). In Taiwan, priorities of life education are to help students understand selves and life, to learn to respect and treat others well, to protect environment, and to find the meaning of life. In addition to introduced the rationale and application of life education in Taiwan, this article also discussed other countries’ priorities and application of life education, including Hong Kong, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. Some suggestions were proposed to enhance the application of life education.
