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篇名 實施「學生如顧客」概念之大學影響學生就讀意向之因素(上)
卷期 251
並列篇名 Factors Affecting Students’ Intentions to Study at Universities Adopting the “Student-as-Customer” Concept
作者 何佳瑞
頁次 126-141
關鍵字 社會影響高等教育教育品質教育政策意向態度學生即顧客關係social influencehigher educationeducational qualityeducational policyintentionattitudestudent-as-customerrelationship
出刊日期 201503
DOI 10.3966/168063602015030251008




Purpose – Competitive pressure and declining incomes in higher education have propelled Dmany universities to increase the number of students admitted as a means of increasing their income, while the admitted students are regarded as “customers.” The purpose of this paper is to examine students’ beliefs regarding outcomes of the adoption of the student-ascustomer concept and the interaction effects of these outcomes and the social infl uence on students’ attitudes toward acceptance of the student-as-customer concept and their intentions to study at universities adopting this concept.
Design/methodology/approach – The conceptual model was developed to investigate Fthe interaction effects of the five outcomes of the student-as-customer concept’s adoption – the universities’ aim toward student satisfaction, the instructors’ neglect of teaching, the impairment of instructor-student relationship, the ease of course achievement, and the improvement of universities’ service quality and social influence on the students’ attitudes toward acceptance of the student-as-customer concept, and their intentions to study at universities adopting this concept. Survey questionnaires were used to collect data from students studying at a large private university inclining to adopt the student-as-customer concept. The structural equation modeling technique was utilized for testing the proposed model.
Findings – The results indicate that students believe that the universities’ adoption of the student-ascustomer concept will lead to improvement of the universities’ service quality and the degradation of educational quality in terms of the instructors’ neglect of teaching, the impairment of instructor-student relationship, and the ease of course achievement. The improvement of service quality has a positive effect on the students’ attitudes toward acceptance of the student-as-customer concept and their intentions to study at universities adopting this concept. The students’ beliefs toward the degradation of educational quality, on the other hand, have indirect and negative effects on the students’ intentions to study at universities adopting the concept. Interestingly, the effect of social influence on students’ intentions to study at universities adopting the concept is greater than the effects of students’ beliefs toward outcomes of the concept.
Originality/value – This study is among the first research to empirically investigate the factors affecting students’ attitudes toward acceptance of the student-as-customerconcept and their intentions to study at universities adopting this concept. The paper fillsthe gap in the higher education literature and provides guidance for universities to consider and prepare for the consequences of the concept’s adoption associated with the number of students who intend to study at their universities.
