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篇名 公共藝術觀光景觀之形塑歷程與機制--以通天鎮地柱為例
卷期 4:1
並列篇名 The Shaping Process and Factors of Public Art Landscape from the Viewpoints of "Human-Land Relationship"
作者 胡金印
頁次 001-020
關鍵字 人地關係文化景觀景觀形塑權益關係人區位human-land relationshipcultural landscapethe shaping of landscapestakeholderlocation
出刊日期 201212


本文主要從「人地關係論」、其次從「權益關係人」、「文化景觀」 和「區位決策」觀點來探討公共藝術觀光景觀之形塑歷程與其影響因 素。研究案例選取高雄市中山扶輪社以「國際扶輪3510地區」名義 捐贈給高雄市政府的一座超大型交趾陶公共藝術作品。資料主要來自 深度訪談。分析方式以質性和魚骨圖為主。研究發現:1、公共藝術 觀光景觀規模雖小,但其區位決策過程仍繁雜瑣碎,充滿了修正性 質。區位決策是由重要權益關係個人和權益關係團體憑其經驗討論後 所定案。2、影響通天鎮地柱公共藝術觀光景觀形塑之最主要因素為 權益關係個人藝術創作者,其次為地方自然環境特性和私部門權益關 係團體NGO之百週年紀念活動。3、「權益關係人」觀點對公共藝術 觀光景觀形塑過程之解釋發揮了很大的功用。4、地理學中「人地關 係論」如加人「權益關係人」觀點更能完整解釋文化景觀的形塑作用。 本研究成果有助於景觀形塑理論之充實,並做為歷史文獻紀錄與應用 於本景觀吸引力之深度遊程導覽解說用。


This article is for the purpose of discussing the shaping of public art landscape from the viewpoints of "human-land relationship," "the stakeholder theory," "the cultural landscape" and "location decision." Quality and fish bone diagram are adopted to analyze in this study. The study case chosen is Heaven-Ground Pillar which is located the Lotus Pond area of Tso-Ying, Kaoshiung City, Taiwan. This pillar is an ultra large-scale Cochin ceramic public art work which was donated to the Kaoshiung City government by the Zhongshan Rotary Club of International Rotary Club of 3,510 Area in Kaoshiung City. Study found that: 1. The pillar scale is small, but the location decision-making process is still complicated and trivial, full of amendments. The location decision is finalized after the discussion among the important stakeholders. 2. The most important factor affecting the shaping of public art landscape is the artist, individual stakeholder. The next factor is the local natural environment features and NGO's centenary, group stakeholder. 3. "The stakeholder theory" played a very useful function to interpret the shaping process from this case. 4. If the geographical "human-land relationship" could join with "the stakeholder theory", it will more complete explain the shaping of this cultural landscape.
