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篇名 以激發學習潛力探討數學短期課後補習的學習效能
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 The Stimulation of Learning Potential: An Exploration of the Effects of Short Term Supplemental Instruction on Mathematics Learning
作者 陳美惠
頁次 001-009
關鍵字 補習文化課外補習學習能力Supplemental Instrnction CultureExtra InstrnctionLeaming Ability
出刊日期 201412


數學是真思考性且失敗率高的學科,影響學生學習的意願,而數學是一門必修的基礎課 程作為之後專業應用所準備,避免學習的挫折才能起續未來專業的追求。許多學生自貶不如人 而放棄學習,對於這些有學習能力的低成就學生,利用適當的方式和時機給予額夕甘甫習教學, 激發學習潛力以完成基本數學學習。本研究以國三學生參加第二次基輔重點數學補習的一次基 測pr 值介於25%~65%的學生為對象,給予短期加強補習。由前後測試的成績,發現學生為求 進入理想、學府,努力學習,以積極的學習動機、展現補習成效,分數呈現顯著的進步。現今教 育追求更適切的改革,希望孩子有信心於困難的學習並有充裕的時問邁向多專業的培養,舊式 傳統的長期補習文化應配合科技時代作調整改革。


Leaming a thoughtful subject of mathematics easily approached to fail. Students learned it with low willingness. Mathematics is a required basic course for preparation as a professional application. In order to have professional pursuits in the future, it is necessary to avoid the fiustration of learning. Many students gave up learning from self-deprecating. Those students who had not high achievement were possessing abilities of learning mathematics. They could be administrated the supplemental instruction by appropriate methods and suitable time to stimulate learning potential and finished the fundamental knowledge of mathematics. The samples were from the ninth graders and attempted to take the second Basic Test. Of the PR value between 25% and 65% in their first Basic Test, these students were taught with short term extra instruction. By the results of before and after tests, we found students aimed at good college and were eager to learn. They had positive motivation and tried to get better achievement. Education reformation pursued an appropriate improvement nowadays. We hope students have confidence in math learning and keep plenty of time to cultivate multi-aspects of skills. In the technological era, the refotmation of traditional long-term supplemental instrnction should be considered.
