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篇名 不同體型知覺差距之女性有氧舞蹈者自我呈現、社會體型焦慮及運動依賴之關係
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 The Relationship of Self-Presentation, Social Physique Anxiety, and Exercise Dependence for Female Aerobic Dancers with Different Perception Discrepancy of Body Shape
作者 張志成
頁次 011-021
關鍵字 實際及理想體型知覺差距形象管理社會焦慮不健康運動行為癥候discrepancy between actual and ideal body image perceptionimpression managementsocial anxietyunhealthy exercise behavior symptoms
出刊日期 201412


本研究主要目的在探討自我呈現、社會體型焦慮與運動依賴的關係,以及比較有無體型知 覺差距在自我呈現、社會體型焦慮及運動依賴差異情形。隨機選取自願參與調查之女性有氧舞 蹈者為對象,共221 位,平均年齡36.89士8.26 歲,讓其填寫身體屬象、自我呈現、社會體型焦 慮及運動依賴量表,將收集資料以皮爾遜積差相關分析、淨相關分析及變異數分析處理。結果 發現:控制體型知覺差距後,淨相關分析顯示形象動機與戒斷症狀、持續性、活動削減呈顯著 正相關﹔形象建構僅與持續性呈顯著正相關﹔社會體型焦慮與耐受盟、戒斷症狀、缺乏控制、 意圖影響呈顯著正相關。控制身體質量指數後,共變數分析結果顯示「想更瘦組」在社會體型 焦慮、耐受性及缺乏控制得分高於「想變瘦組」和「滿意體塑組」﹔在意圖影響則是「想更瘦 車且」高於「滿意體型紐」。結論指出塑造形象動機、管理行為和體型焦慮與運動依賴癥候存在 關連,體型知覺差距更是影響自我焦慮及不健康行為發生的重要因子。建議參與者避免將活動 目標聚焦於形象塑造、體型改變,以降低運動依賴發生的風險。


This study examined the relationship among self-presentation, social physique anxiety, and exercise dependence, and to compare of the differences of self-presentation, social physique anxiety, and exercise dependence for female aerobic dancers with different perception discrepancy of body shape. Two hundred and twenty-one female aerobic dancers (average age 36.89±8.26 years old) were randomly selected as the patiicipants from a fitness center. All the participants were administered with Contour Drawing Raring Scale, Self-Presentation in Exercise Questionnaire, Social Physique Anxiety Scale, and Exercise Dependence Scale. The collected data were analyzed by Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, partial correlation analysis, and analysis of variance. The results as following: after controlling the body perception, the partial correlations showed that impression motivation were significantly and positively correlated with withdrawal symptoms, continuance, and reduction in other activity, and impression construction was only significantly and positively correlated with continuance. Also, social physique anxiety was significantly and positively correlated with tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, lack of control, and intention effects. In addition, after controlling the body mass index, the ANCOV A results indicated the "want to be ultra-thin" groups had higher levels of social physique anxiety, tolerance, and lack of control than the "want to be thin" groups and "satisfied with body shape''. In the variables of intention effects, the "want to be ultra-thin" groups had high score than "satisfied with body shape" groups. Concluded that the motivation and behaviors of impression management, physique anxiety, and dependence symptoms was related, and body shape perception discrepancy is an important factor for self-anxiety and unhealthy behavior. We recommend that participants should be avoided to focus on shaping the image and changing the body during the excising, thereby reducing the risk of dependence symptoms.
