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篇名 凝視戶外廣告媒體:書寫城市媒介空間的文化想像
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 Gazing at the Outdoor Media : A Discourse on Cultural Imagination of the City and Media Space
作者 許如婷
頁次 023-030
關鍵字 凝視戶外媒體廣告文化想像AdvertisingCulture ImaginationGazeOutdoor Media
出刊日期 201412


本研究藉由戶外/公共廣告( out of home advertising )為題,探究廣告媒介影像如何與建 築、交通工具等兼互文本( inter-texts )結合而建構出一個擬像的城市空間。並且,如此的空問 形塑了觀者一個「迪士尼樂園」( Disneyland )空間的凝視( gazing )想像,此宛如後現代嘉年 華的歡慶、饗宴。於是,城市空間帶領我們進入了迪士尼樂園中明日世界、西部牛仔虛擬幻影、 夢幻樂園與卡通城等不同主題樂園,並沉浸於歡愉與消費的氛圍。期盼本研究的詮釋,提供一 種「再讀」( Re-reading )城市空間的觀看方式( ways of seeing )。


This study is focus on out of home advertising and discuss how the media advertising to constrnct a virtual media space with inter-texts of buildings and transportations. With this space, it models a Disneyland gazing imagination to the watching people. It is like a fantastic festival. Therefore, the city space leads us to different thematic playgrounds in the Disneyland, such as Tomon-owland, Discoveryland, Fantasyland and Frontierland. It makes us to immerse in a happiness world. I will support a Re-reading way of seeing with this city space through this new interpretation.
