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篇名 服務業職場友誼與銷售績效關係之研究-以主管/非主管為平擾變數
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 The Relationship between Workplace Friendship and Sales Performance of Service Industry: The Moderating Effect of Executive I Non-executive
作者 林英顏江珮瑜謝庭華
頁次 077-084
關鍵字 銷售人員職場友誼銷售人員績效主管/非主管workplace friendshipsales performanceexecutive I non-executive
出刊日期 201412


員工在職場的工作氣氛及績效同時是企業重視的要素,過去對職場友誼與銷售績效間的關 係及主管/非主管在該關係的研究依然不清。本研究旨在探討職場友誼與銷售績效問之關係及主 管/非主管在該關係間是否具有干擾效果。調查銀行及百貨公司的130 名銷售人員並且在控制收 入與年資以層級迴歸分析發現,職場友誼顯著正面影響銷售績效,且主管/非主管在職場友誼 與銷售績效簡具有干擾效果,特別在擔任主管的職場友誼愈好,銷售績效會愈好。本研究亦提 出未來研究及實務建議供實務界參考。


A company's atmosphere and sales performance are both imp01iant factors of an organization. The relationship between salesperson's workplace friendship and sales performance in service industry remains unclear. This study aimed to find out the relationship between salesperson's workplace friendship and sales perfonnance. Survey of banks and department stores of 130 salespersons found that the positive effect of salesperson's workplace friendship on sales perfonnance. Executive I non-executive moderated the relationship between workplace friendship and sales performance. That relationship between workplace friendship and sales performance of executives were significantly stronger than that of non-executives. The study also made recommendations for future research and practice practitioners reference.
