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篇名 特展觀眾價值與性別差異的實證分析 ~以「GeGeGe 鬼太郎の妖怪樂園」為例
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 Empirical Analysis of Visitor Values and Gender Differences: Using the Spirit Monster Paradise of Gegege no Kitaro Manga Exhibit as an Example
作者 李君如
頁次 095-110
關鍵字 特展價值驗證性因素分析exhibitionvalueconfirmatory factor analysis
出刊日期 201412


多元主題的特展在當代社會扮演重要的角色,其複合了教育、娛樂,成為民眾休閉的選擇。 為了吸引觀眾,如何透過多元的展示手法與空間情境,營造獨特的場景氛圍,增加展覽的活潑 性與生動度,成為策展規割的關鍵課題。而參觀過程中的觀眾體驗是否會影響其態度與行為, 叉以哪些價值為最,是本文關切的焦點。研究以2012 年在臺中文創園區舉辦之「GeGe Ge 鬼太 郎仿妖怪樂園」為探討場域,以之前發展的觀是價值量表為基礎,經由CFA 確認其信效度,再 以此達到良好配適的量表進行迴歸分析,探討價值對知覺價值、滿意度與忠誠度之影響。經由 548 份問卷分析,結果顯示觀眾價值感受最強烈者為欣賞到相當多樣的鬼偶,其次為展覽作品 具獨特性﹔女性在功能、嘗新價值及滿意度、忠誠度均顯著較男性為高。以全樣本而言,五價 值構面均可正向預測知覺價值、滿意度與忠誠度﹔但性別會有差異,對知覺價值與滿意度影響 最大者在男性為功能價值,女性則為情境價值,但對忠誠度的影響則剛好相反。此外,體驗價 值與動機亦有中高度相關﹔與展示構成內涵則依項目而有差異,與功能及嘗新價值相關性最高 者為展示內容的豐富程度,與情緒價值高相關者為展品的陳列方式,社會價值則為紀念商品店 的規劃rr 0


Multithemed special exhibitions play an essential role in contemporary society. Because education is combined with entertainment in such events, these exhibitions have become a preferred mode of entetiainment for the public. To attract visitors when curating exhibitions, identifying methods for creating a unique scenic atmosphere and rendeting exhibitions highly lively and invigorating by using diverse display methods and spatial themes is crncial. This study focused on examining whether visitor experience affected attitudes and behaviors during visits and determined the exhibition element that visitors valued most. To achieve this objective, we investigated the Spirit Monster Paradise of Gegege no Kitar6 Manga Exhibit held at the Taichung Cultural & Creative Industries Park in 2012. A previously developed visitor value scale and the confomatory factor analysis were used to verify the reliability and validity of the results. Subsequently, regression analysis was conducted on the scale that demonstrated satisfactoty goodness of fit, to detetmine the effects of visitor values on perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty. Analysis results from 548 valid questionnaires revealed that the visitors valued the oppotiunity to see a wide variety of spirit monsters the most among all exhibition elements, followed by the uniqueness of the exhibition items. Female participants scored significantly higher than male patiicipants in terms of functional values, epistemic values, satisfaction, and loyalty. The five value dimensions were all able to positively predict the overall sample's perceived values, satisfaction, and loyalty. However, the different genders produced different results: functional value had the greatest effect on the perceived values and satisfaction of male participants, whereas the conditional value exerted the strongest effect on female participants. By contrast, functional value had the greatest effect on the loyalty level of female participants, whereas the conditional value exercised the strongest influence on male participants. A moderately high conelation was observed between experiential value and motivation. The conelation between visitor values and exhibitive components varied according to exhibition items. The richness of the exhibition content exhibited the highest correlation with functional and epistemic values; the item display arrangement had a high correlation with emotional value; and finally, the organization of the souvenir shops exhibited a high conelation with social value.
