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篇名 影響連鎖加盟運作機制因素之研究--以台灣地區餐飲業為例
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 The Influential Factors of Operational Mechanisms on Franchising Chain Store:An Example of Food and Beverage Industry in Taiwan
作者 林妙雀榮泰生吳嘉勳林錦龍廖巧鈴
頁次 001-027
關鍵字 連鎖加盟資源依賴資源基礎社會網絡交易成本FranchiseResource DependencyResource-Based ViewSocial NetworkTransaction Cost
出刊日期 200803




Past studies on franchising mechanisms have sparsely probed into the antecedents of the investment of firm specific assets and opportunistic behaviors of franchisees. Accordingly, the current study attempts to develop a framework to examine the potential determinants from perspectives of resource dependence, resource-based view, social network theory, as well as transaction cost. In our framework, the extent to which franchisees depend their resources upon franchisor, the capability of a franchisor and network relationships are taken as the independent variables which are likely to influence the investing level of a franchisor’s specific resource and that of a franchisee’s opportunistic behavior. To clarify these relationships, three types of fees charged, that is franchising fee, royalty fee, and warranty fee, are regarded as the moderator. We chosen Taiwanese food franchisors as the research sample and sent 182 questionnaires with 66 of them were returned. The response rate was 36.26%. By conducting multivariate analysis, we found that a few results shown as follows. First, the degree of a franchisor’s resource and capabilities will positively influence the extent to which a franchisee relies upon it. Close network cooperation will contribute to how much a franchisor invests in its specific assets. Secondly, how much a franchisor owns in resource and capabilities could result in the extent of a franchisee’s opportunistic behaviors. Third, the three types of fee indeed play the role as a moderator. According to the research outcome, we bring up the following managerial implications. Franchisors are suggested to enhance the extent to which franchisees’ dependence on their specific resources, such as brand awareness and management open sesames, to reduce calculative behaviors and transaction costs in the trading process. Resources featured by scarcity, high value, un-substitutable, and un-displaceable would lead to sustained competitive advantages and curtail opportunism. The relational network of commitment and trust would facilitate the input of a franchisor’s specific assets. Franchisors are also suggested to refer to paradigm set by other firms in the same or in the different industries and design a sound mechanism to charge fees so as to attract more franchisees.
