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篇名 我國西藥及生技製藥業國際競爭力分析
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 A Study on the International Competition of Taiwan Biotechnological Industry
作者 林彩梅周文玲
頁次 029-050
關鍵字 貿易特化係數國際競爭力Trade Specialization Coefficientinternational competition
出刊日期 200803




The study aims to investigate the international competition of the biotechnological industry. The biotechnological industry is blooming in the world for several years; our government also has many projects to support this industry. But its progress is still limited. So we hope to investigate the reasons, especially the future of this industry. The present study also tries to uncover the international competition between Taiwan, America, Japan, and the other nations by the analysis of Trade specialization coefficient. The results show that the biotechnological industry of Taiwan is hopeful in the future, during the last five years, the biotechnological industry has much progress compared to some other nations. So this industry must use some new skill to improve in the future.
